A new semester of our Heritage Discipleship Institute will begin on January 27, 2025
Classes are held at our Heritage Ministry Office, 633 Third Avenue, Suite 13E, NY, NY. Our two classes will be:
Old Testament Survey 3 (The Prophets), at 7:00 pm: This class surveys the importance of the Old Testament major and minor prophets. How does their message fit into Israel’s history? How do the prophets point us to Christ and His coming? How are we sure that Isaiah wrote the entirety of the book ascribed to him? What are the significant features of each book? These are some of the many questions that we consider.
Do you know about the “Servant Songs” of Isaiah or the “Confessions” of Jeremiah? If not, this class is for you because we will learn these things and so much more! Our text book will be A Popular Survey of the OT by Norman Geisler.
Bible Geography 1, at 8:00 pm:: Because God communicates His eternal truth in very specific geographical and historical settings, we will seek to delve into Bible lands for a better understanding of His Word. Do you know the importance Israel’s geographic location or the regions such as the Jezreel Valley, the Shephelah, or the Negeb, and what events took place there? This class will be full of interesting powerpoint images along with a colorful textbook called Holman’s Bible Atlas by Thomas Brisco.
Email us at info@hbcnyc.org or call us at 212-947-5316 if you would like to enroll in our Heritage Discipleship Institute.
Class Costs: We suggest a cost of $50.00 for the entire semester of one class and $25.00 for the second class if you choose to take both classes. You can audit either class either in person or on Zoom and give a love offering for the semester’s classes as the Lord leads you.
If you desire to take the classes but have any financial impediment from doing so,
please contact me as we never want finances to prevent spiritual growth.
DIPLOMA Each student must be saved, agree with the church doctrinal statements, and complete twelve classroom credits. When these requirements are filled the student may receive a three year diploma. Additional classes may be taken after receiving a diploma. New classes are sometimes added.
Monday Evenings: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Heritage Ministry Office
633 Third Avenue, Suite 13E
New York, NY 10017
(between 40-41 Street)