David & Naomi Minnicks
David was born and grew up in Australia, where my parents, Tracy and Debbi Minnick, have been serving Christ since 1985 under GFA Missions.  I grew up immersed in my parent's ministry.  When I was 5, my father led me to trust in Christ alone for deliverance from God’s wrath and my sin and depravity.  I was baptized several years later.  Around the age of 14, I began to experience a growing desire to enter the ministry.  1 Timothy 3:1 states that a man who desires to be a pastor desires a good thing.  God used my encounter with that verse to confirm that the desires I was experiencing were God-given.

Naomi was born in Toulouse, France to missionary parents, Stephen and Donna Bixby. Though the gospel was clearly taught and lived out in our home, and from a very early age the idea of accepting Christ as my Savior was a very desirable one, it was not until I was 11 years old that I began to truly sense a conviction of my sin and understand my personal need of a Savior. The Lord used various means including a week of camp, a sermon at church, and the hymn “Have You Any Room for Jesus?” to bring me to a point of decision. I was 12 years old when I finally surrendered all to Jesus and experienced my chains falling off and my heart being truly set free. I was baptized a few months later.

Caleb: 4/5/2012
Ethan: 9/22/2014
Eliana: 3/4/2018
Titus: 5/20/2019
Anniversary: May 15

Mount Calvary Baptist CHurch
1430 Hampton Avenue
Greenville, SC 29601
web: www.mountcalvarybaptist.org

Gospel Fellowship Association, Suite 110
1809 Wade Hampton Blvd.
Greenville, SC 29609
web: www.gfamissions.org